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Step 1: Get the board

You'll need a Sunton 3248S035C board. You can get one here. You might want to enclose the board in a case. 3D models to print are available online (example).

Step 2: Flash the firmware

Option A: Web installer

See web installer.

Option B: Compile it yourself

Clone the repository.

Follow the instructions in development to install ESP-IDF and pnpm.

Build the firmware, connect the board via USB and flash it either via the ESP-IDF VSCode extension or

Step 3: Configure WiFi

The board needs to be connected to the Internet to retrieve the realtime departures information. After flash and reboot, a wizard should appear on the board with instructions on how to connect the board to a WiFi access point. This can be done via the "ESP SoftAP Provisioning" app (Play Store, Apple Store).

Step 4: Configure station

After the network connection is estabilished, the screen should show a message asking to configure the station to show departures from, along with the URL to connect to to do so (http://suntransit.local).

Step 5: Profit!