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The project is composed of three main parts:

  • The ESP32 project, developed with the ESP-IDF framework
  • The Linux simulator for the GUI (based on LVGL)
  • The frontend React SPA served by the ESP32 which allows to configure it and get system information


Install the Python dependencies via pip install -r requirements.txt. Either install them globally or in a virtual environment. If you use from the command line, you might want to install them in the IDF virtual environment, so that they are available when activating the IDF virtual environment.


Install the ESP-IDF framework, preferably via the VSCode Extension.


The simulator code lives in simulator and is used to develop the UI. The UI library is symlinked from the ESP folder. It is developed using the PlatformIO framework. Follow these instructions to get started using it within VSCode. It uses libsdl, make sure to install it (e.g. sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev).


The frontend is developed using React. You'll need to use to use pnpm to build it.

Useful commands:

  • pnpm i: installs the dependencies
  • pnpm start: starts a dev server with hot reloading and the mock backend API server
  • pnpm build: builds the gzipped production version of the app, to be stored in the data partition of the ESP

VSCode C++ Extension

The simulator folder should be handled as separate VSCode workspace. This is due to PlatformIO insisting on owning and overwriting .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json which makes it impossible to have a functioning IDE if you want to use the "ESP-IDF" extension rather than PlatformIO's own build system. We don't use PlatformIO's build system due to the poor integration with

Please copy .vscode/c_cpp_properties.sample.json to .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json and read the instructions for ESP-IDF development. PlatformIO will generate c_cpp_properties.json automatically based on for the simulator.